All that one feels resonates outward and touches those around us… from friends and family to passerbys and strangers. Our energy and expressions will either lift or lower, enhance or dampen the environment upon which they manifest. Emotions that originate in our thoughts and experiences shall flow beyond our being… either radiating with light or emanating somber gloom. May we all aspire to illuminate the world.
Like the single pebble that falls upon the smooth surface of a harmoniously still lake, a ripple effect starts with potency, after which the intensity draws down with every outward motion. Life has it’s own movement that often has measured waves which may be hard to detect. One must embrace the journey of life… not just in the finite actions but the expansive passages that are well beyond our immediate vision. As in the words of poet T.S. Eliot, ‘Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.’